What is Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery?
Oral, dental and maxillofacial surgery is the department that includes the repair of developmental or later deformities in our maxillofacial region and the surgical correction of aesthetically undesirable tissues formed in the same region. In our clinic, oral, dental and maxillofacial surgery treatments are performed by Specialist. Dr. It is implemented by Mustafa Kızıloğlu.
What Diseases Does Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Treat?
Oral, dental and maxillofacial surgery has a wide range of applications, ranging from the extraction of wisdom teeth that are impacted and causing infection, to the cleaning of cysts and tumors in our jaw-facial region, to the treatment of jaw joint disorders and the surgical correction of jaw development disorders.
Treatments Applied in our Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department
We can list the treatments of oral, dental and maxillofacial surgery currently applied in our clinic under the following main headings, according to our frequency of practice:
- Impacted wisdom tooth extractions
- Implant dental applications
- Sinus lifting application
- Bone splicing procedures
- Gum length and shape corrections
- Jaw joint treatments
- Botox applications
- Treatments of jaw cysts
- Orthognathic surgery applications
What are the problems that may occur if jaw bone cysts are not treated?
The growth of jaw cysts in the upper jawbone (maxilla) and lower jawbone (mandible), which usually occur as a result of recurrent infections seen in our teeth, poses a serious risk factor for our general health. Jaw cysts cause an increase in the number of leukocytes, which are defense cells in our body, a deterioration of our immune system, and a weakening of our jaw bones due to their size. As their further growth puts pressure on the jaw nerves, it can cause numbness in the jaw nerves and therefore in our lips.
What are the complications that can be caused by impacted teeth?
The presence of our teeth embedded in our jaw bones causes restriction in mouth opening and pain radiating to the ear and neck area, which we frequently encounter in our patients due to infections in the surrounding tissues. Recurrent infections cause swelling in our lymph nodes, fever and fatigue. During the infection process, swelling of the gums and melting of the bone around the impacted tooth occur.
What are Implant Applications? What are the benefits?
In order to explain the importance of implant applications, it is useful to review our general life process. Following the loss of our milk teeth in our life journey, our permanent teeth take their place in our jaw between the ages of 6-20. We may lose our permanent teeth early due to our inability to maintain adequate oral hygiene and various health problems we experience. This is where the importance of implant treatment emerges. Our implant teeth, which we can consider as the third dentition after the loss of our permanent teeth, prevent our quality of life from decreasing, on the contrary, they increase it.
How is Implant Treatment Applied?
Implant treatment can be applied in the session where our teeth are extracted, or it can be performed in place of previously extracted teeth. The important thing here is that the extraction process is performed while preserving the surrounding tissues of our tooth, namely the bone and gum. We generally perform the implant placement procedure under local anesthesia, but we can also perform it under sedation or general anesthesia in patients with dental phobia. The implant placement process is absolutely painless, and patients have a comfortable recovery period after the procedure if they follow our care rules. The procedure time is 15 minutes for a single implant, and the time increases as the number increases.
What is Tooth Extraction?
Tooth extraction is the process of removing teeth that are undesirable for various reasons from the oral environment. These reasons may generally be tooth movement as a result of caries, gum problems, cystic infections, and bone loss. Tooth extraction is completely painless as a result of the anesthesia techniques we use. It heals quickly if our care rules are followed.
What is Impacted Tooth Extraction?
Impacted tooth extraction is the process of surgically removing teeth that are embedded in our jawbone for various reasons. The reason why impacted teeth remain embedded in the jaw may be narrowness in the jaw arch, genetic factors or cystic lesions. Impacted teeth are generally of two different types:
- Impacted teeth with gingival retention
- Impacted teeth with bone retention
Impacted teeth with gingival retention are teeth that can be extracted by simply opening the gum during the operation. Shooting time is limited to 15 minutes. Impacted teeth with bone retention are teeth that are extracted by removing gum and bone tissue during the operation. Shooting time takes around 30-45 minutes.
What Should Be Done After Impacted Tooth Extraction?
After SURGICAL OPERATIONS FOR ORAL, DENTAL AND JAW PATIENTS, there are many things you should pay attention to/do/not do during the healing process;
-Gently bite the sterile tampon that our doctor placed in your mouth after the procedure for an hour. Then take it out and throw it away. Do not substitute anything (napkin/cotton/sterile gauze, etc.).
-If you feel thirsty or hungry after removing the tampon from your mouth, you can drink water/fruit juice. IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not drink drinks using a straw, the sucking action can increase bleeding!
-As soon as you throw away the tampon, drink one of the painkillers prescribed/recommended by your doctor! If your doctor has not recommended medication, take one of the painkillers available at home! IMPORTANT NOTE: NEVER use ASPRIN/CORASPRIN and its varieties as painkillers!
-After the operation, do not eat or chew until the numbness due to anesthesia subsides! If you chew while you are drowsy, you may injure tissues such as lips/tongue etc.
-After the operation, after the numbness due to anesthesia subsides, you can eat with the side that is not injured! Do not consume hard/bitter/spicy foods (which may damage the wound)!
-It is very normal to have a taste of blood in your mouth for 2 (two) days following the operation and to have blood in the form of leakage from the operated area. To prevent bleeding from getting worse, do not spit or suck the area on the day of the operation!
-Consume warm or cold food/drinks for 2 (two) days following the operation. NEVER consume HOT food/drinks as they may cause bleeding!
-Do not consume milk and dairy products for 2 (two) days following the operation!
-Do not consume alcohol and cigarettes for 7 (seven) days following the operation!
-On the evening of the operation, you can gently brush your teeth except for the treated area!
-After the operation, it is completely normal to have the taste and appearance of blood in the mouth, to have swelling and bruising on your face, and to have bleeding in the nose after sinus elevation operations. DO NOT WORRY…
-To reduce swelling and related bruising, apply ice wrapped in a napkin for 10 minutes and pull it off for 10 minutes without pressing/massaging the outside of your face for 48 hours after the surgery!
-Keeping the wound area clean after the operation is the most important factor that accelerates wound healing. For this purpose, we recommend gargling with salty and carbonated water 15 times a day, starting the next day. Prepare this mouthwash by adding 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of baking soda to 1 L of water! Patients with blood pressure diseases should prepare this mouthwash with only baking soda!
-Sleep slightly upright for 2 (two) nights after the operation! Never lie on the swollen area.
-Do not forget to use the medications prescribed by your doctor as prescribed and attend your follow-up appointments!
What Should Be Done After Tooth Extraction?
After tooth extraction, there are many things you should pay attention to/do/not do during the healing process;
-Gently bite the sterile tampon that our doctor placed in your mouth after the procedure for an hour. Then take it out and throw it away. Do not substitute anything (napkin/cotton/sterile gauze, etc.).
-If you feel thirsty or hungry after removing the tampon, you can drink water/fruit juice.
-As soon as you throw away the tampon, take one of the painkillers prescribed/recommended by your doctor! If your doctor has not recommended medication, you can take one of the painkillers available at home.
IMPORTANT NOTE: NEVER use ASPRIN, CORASPRIN and their varieties as painkillers.
-After tooth extraction, do not eat or chew until the numbness due to anesthesia subsides! If you chew while you are drowsy, you may injure tissues such as lips/lips etc.
-After tooth extraction, after the numbness due to anesthesia wears off, you can eat with the side that is not injured! Do not consume hard/bitter/spicy foods (which may damage the wound)!
-It is normal to taste blood in your mouth and have drops of blood for 2 days following tooth extraction. Never shake/spit on the day of the procedure!
-Consume warm or cold food/drinks for 2 (two) days after tooth extraction. NEVER consume HOT food/drinks as they may cause bleeding!
-Following tooth extraction, at least 7 (seven) tobacco and its products, alcohol etc. Do not consume substances!
-The most important factor that accelerates the healing of the extraction area after the extraction is keeping the area clean. To do this, gargle with the mouthwash prescribed to you three times a day for half a minute, and then do not eat or drink anything for half an hour. In addition to this gargle, gargle with salty and carbonated water. Prepare by adding 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of baking soda to 1 liter of water. Gargle 15 times a day.
-To reduce swelling and bleeding in the area after the extraction, apply ice compress to the area above the extraction site on your face for 10 minutes. Hold it for 10 minutes. It is applied by pulling for 24 hours.
-Do not forget to use the medications prescribed by your doctor and attend your check-up appointments!